gods behave like the people who create them
zora neale hurston
on this page, one may find political musings
We Need New Rituals: A Dedication to An Established Eternal
rituals of love. rituals of pain. rituals of healing.
Re-Imaginaing: My Life is All About Love
Re-imagining an excerpt from bell hook’s All About Love from the perspective of a woman who receives love in abundance, perhaps in excess.
Resurrecting A Colorless Reef
The reef is the greatest metaphor for our world. This planet, our home has long thrived on diversity. For some time, the multiplicity of humans sufficed; showing us unique ways that we formulate love—love for community, love for self, love for earth. And these practices, cultures, traditions once fed the color and vibrancy of our world.
gender & african religion: beyond western conceptions
this is a reflection on what gender is and how it interacts with cultural and spiritual identities