a letter of disdain
For those of you who don’t know, my name is Inanna. And like some of you, I am a goddess stuck here on Earth. In this world, in this time, in this body, I reincarnated into the most spiritually deplorable system of nations in humanity’s history. With empires so ruthless that the masses have become desensitized to the blood that stains their hands, stains their flags, stains their money.
By studying the people of your time, I have observed that there are few nations and few people who claim an unnatural ownership over a majority of earth’s resources–-resources that truly belong to no human, no tribe, no country, no nation, no time, and no era.
And your leaders…hmmph…Your leaders are failures. Selfish fools who are petty masters in dark magic–or death science, whichever language you choose. They have no regard for the true balance of life, spirit, and realm.
They violate earth’s waters–leaving your source of clarity muddled in shit. They suffocate earth’s soil–covering it in a hardened cement that disconnects you from your roots. They prey on animals who were destined to be your guides. They drain earth’s blood and call it oil to fuel the lights that will never compare to our stars.
But yet, worst of all, they are scared, foolish vampires who have trained you–the masses to accept a death contract. Do you notice how their math becomes imbalanced? Some lives weighing more than others. Do you notice how their science becomes unclear? Some suffering more acceptable than others. Do you notice how their philosophy becomes unjust? Some people more deserving than others,
And in all the centuries of humans that I’ve seen, there’s always been imbalance and there’s always been unrest. Yet, the leaders were at least more noble, more clear, more true about their injustice. You see, the nations and people who hold billions or trillions in your paper currency have disguised the true evil it takes to accumulate their “wealth.” And you all do so much to praise their fabricated and fraudulent notions of worth. You all have been trained to crave the wealth that your leaders have obtained.
I want to take a moment to talk about a pioneer of this 500-year-old delusion. Let’s look at The United States of America, home of many vampires. They toss around billions and still leave their people poor and starving. But what’s more alarming than that? It is the fact that they have given the world amnesia about the great blood sacrifice they offered to their demons for the money that they hoard.
The first blood spilled was one of conquest–the Native people of their land massacred to achieve “manifest destiny.” The second blood spilled was one of a nefarious order–-the harshest offering ever given to the gates of hell. The unwilling sacrifice of generations of enslaved Africans. The ancestors of this body that I borrow holds the trauma of a child whose people are continuously drained. A people with much life force to give have the gold in their veins stolen, so that the weak can imitate abundance.
Huhh! And you should know that we, gods, prefer kings and men who are more sincere and vulnerable about the ruthlessness required for their acts of sacrifice. It shows humanity the cost, the terror, and the falsehood of the “wealth” they have obtained.
And what saddens me most is that each nation across this globe adopted the same tactics in hopes of achieving the same success as the United States of America. The colonizers of your own nation learned to steal money for themselves at the cost of the many, at the cost of you. They learned how to sell and extort bodies for the sake of capital. And you all became complicit in their dream, in their false reality of monetary “wealth” you have transformed yourselves into objects to be exploited,
If you understand nothing of my language, of my tongue, of my mind. Understand this: Every ruling power of every nation in this world at this time requires war, requires poverty, requires blood, requires death. The false wealth that they pursue must be paid for in blood. And they have made an industry of paying their demons with the blood of your children, the blood of your future, the blood of this earth.
The greater their money, the more blood they will need.
So, it is up to you to open your eyes. It is up to you to see that you do not have to sacrifice your life or the life of your children. It is up to you to refuse the desire for their false wealth, their plastic happiness.
You deserve true abundance, earth in bloom, your waters clear, your roots connected, your future eternal.