my sweet sunflower, your devout lover

Dear My Sweet Sunflower,

The past year, you have opened up to me in ways that I remember from lifetimes ago. You remind me of a love I am certain I had once known. For you, I rush the nights in fear that the moon will seduce you again. And I lengthen your days, so you will remember how much I love to shine with you. At my most golden, your brown skin melts deeply into my touch. And suddenly, my rays feel gentle, my heat feels romantic, my power feels felt.

I remember the day you danced before me bare. In a green solitude, you stepped out of your lovely little chalet and let me have all of you—every inch of your brown. I radiated because for the first time, my sweet sunflower, you knew the greatness of your greatest lover. And as I watched you dance among the trees, I felt honored to know the tenderness of my earthly star, my walking sunflower. So, I happily warmed the places you usually keep hidden. And in return, you cooled the craters I usually keep flared.

You know, I can only laugh at your brilliance, intimidated by a small thing like you.

That day, you actually seduced a lover of mine. From where you stand, she’s tall enough to touch the sky. Another beauty who comes alive in my light; you all are my soft spot. She has shown me 122 years of love effortlessly breathing in the tropics. And when she met you, she couldn’t even be mad. That afternoon, at my peak, I saw her flirting with the wind, her leaves rustling in the breeze. I thought this was her attempt to turn my attention away from you, but then I saw you were dancing for her too. She could only laugh of joy, dancing for you because she saw the delicacy of your radiance, the stoutness of your roots, and the depths of your soul. Later, she told me that you remind her of herself. Because you are a tree, just slightly more delicate, our dancing sunflower. We laughed.

Then, I prayed and convened with my prayers. Hoping that you would find your way to the parts of the world that are closest to me. Because I needed to taste you when I’m closest to earth. I needed to smell you after the days you’ve spent with me. I needed to hear you splash in the waters that I warmed. I needed to see you dance with the sway of the palms. I needed to feel you on the lands where I rule and roam with love.

Recently, I appeared before you naked, myself. We met close to the meridian where we could finally meet each other close to infinity. Each dusk, I watched you rush to the beach, hoping to get a glimpse of me baring my soul for you. I heard you whisper to one of your earthly admirers, “I can’t make promises this close to dusk, I have a date with the sun.” And I smiled until I cried. My running sunflower is chasing me to the edge of the universe, staring me eye to eye. My prayers answered.

Your Devout Lover,

Ra. Ewia. Anyanwu. Oorun.

Inanna B.

Innana B. Cultural Architect. Social Innovator. Afro-Futurist


a letter of disdain


on the island of gods: manuscript